
3D to 2D Grid Mapping with Augmented Reality [Video]

Integral to the AR game is it’s grid environment, which controls the dimensions, orientation and other game-wide settings. Recent development of the grid logic has allowed for accurate 3D to 2D interaction tracking.

Integral to the AR game is it's grid environment, which controls the dimensions, orientation and other game-wide settings.

Another important function of the grid is to track and manipulate the location of items within the game world. This video shows early development of a system whereby interaction in the 3D world is tracked and translated into a 2D format.

When this system is fully functional, all objects in the game will be aware of not only their own location but that of other objects in the vicinity.

Hot on the heels on the grid mapping demonstation comes fully-fledged AR marker mapping. In a nutshell the system can track the 2D position of a marker in relation to a 3D object and project that position onto a map for better visualisation.

This dynamic tracking moves us a step closer to manipulating objects within the game environment via physical AR markers.