
Grid Logic in Augmented Reality [Video]

An integral part of the augmented reality game I’m working on is the logic behind the scenes, particularly the grid-based system that will be used to calculate positioning and ensure reliable interaction from the player.

An integral part of the augmented reality game I'm working on is the logic behind the scenes. This video shows very early development of this logic, in particularly the grid-based system that will be used to calculate positioning and ensure reliable interaction from the player. In the real game the grid would not look like this.

Further development of the grid logic for the augmented reality game includes a feature to completely remove the grid marker without removing the Papervision model. By removing the marker used for the grid/game environment, further markers can be added and manipulated without accidentally affecting the grid. The grid marker can be reintroduced at a later stage to update the position of the existing grid.

From here I'll be implementing further code to calculate relative positioning between dynamic markers and the grid, particularly the grid segment that each marker resides in.

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