
Foundation HTML5 Canvas

Learn how to become a true master of HTML5 canvas in my new book. In it I teach you how to use all the major features of canvas, animate with physics, and how to create two awesome space games.

Who is it for?

The book has been written in a friendly way that makes it approachable to beginners and experts alike. It is predominantly for Web designers and programmers who are new to HTML5 and JavaScript, and it covers the absolute basics of creating interactive games and applications using the HTML5 canvas element. Experienced Web designers and programmers will also learn about all the features of canvas and how they can be used within their own projects. Flash developers looking to move into the JavaScript world will also benefit from the information in this book.

Who isn't it for?

Developers who already have significant experience with HTML5 canvas will probably not get much from this book (it's called Foundation HTML5 Canvas for a reason). However, the chapters on animation and making games may still prove useful to you. I would suggest checking out the preview of the book and deciding for yourself.

What will you learn?

  • The exciting new features that HTML5 brings and how to use them
  • The basics of programming in JavaScript and capturing user input
  • What the canvas drawing element is all about and why you'd want to use it
  • How to utilise both basic and advanced features of canvas
  • How to create realistic animations using canvas and a splash of physics
  • How to make interactive games using canvas, JavaScript, and other HTML5 goodies

Table of contents

  1. Introducing HTML5
  2. Foundation JavaScript
  3. Learning the Basics of Canvas
  4. Pushing Canvas Further
  5. Manipulating Images and Video
  6. Making Things Move
  7. Implementing Advanced Animation
  8. Creating the Space Bowling Game
  9. Creating the Asteroid Avoidance Game
  10. Taking Things Further and the Future of Canvas


  • Out now in the US & UK
  • Ebook available worldwide
    • PDF
    • ePub
    • Kindle/Mobi

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